Junior Training and Clinics
Teams are responsible to ensure they have qualified officials to fulfill their team officiating duties. Qualified officials refers to Second Referee (R2), Scorer, Assistant Scorer (Libero Tracker), Line Judges & the rostered adult assigned as chaperone to the score table for 14s & under or courtside for 15s & above.
The Region has determined that the maximum number one clinician can adequately teach is forty. Therefore, clinics with 40 or more enrollment must provide an additional clinician after 40, then another after 80, etc.
Clinician cost is as follows:
• $100 Per Clinician
• One Clinician Required Per 40 Attendees
• IMPACT Clinics–Check for Impact Clinics on the Impact Page
Team officiating duties may be performed by any QUALIFIED registered club/team member, including parents or chaperones. Adult members must be registered with a Regular USAV adult affiliated with a junior program membership.
Training & Qualification:
Most of our teams already have coaches and/or players who are already qualified from previous experience. Our main concern is to have qualified officials for every match our teams are responsible for. We’re no longer mandating everyone complete their training online, as it is virtually impossible to keep track of everyone’s progress. The following options are available to qualify your team members:
1. Complete training online within your USAV webpoint membership. On the bottom left bar of links select Region Clinics then click on Region Ref/score Clinics and select the training. The modules for that training will be entered on your red USAV Acacdemy button. Take all the modules related to your selected training to receive your badges and certifications.
2. Request your own private in-person clinic using one or more of our region’s approved clinicians. Contact SURVA Officials Chair for a clinician in your area.
3. Conduct your own in-house clinic using a qualified club/team member as your clinician.
4. Request in advance, through SURVA Officials Chair, for an on-court training session. There will be a $25.00 training fee per match. R2 and Scorer may not be replaced between sets.
Failure to Perform:
Teams will be responsible for conducting their team officiating duties without problems or delays. A $25.00 fine per match (first time) will be assessed to officiating teams for any problems or delays during their officiating assignments and/or a requirement for the coach to take the online officiating clinics. A $50.00 fine will be assessed for officiating problems in all future matches and a requirement for the coach to take the online officiating clinics.
An adult team member must be at the Scorer’s table or be the team’s R2 for all Division IV & V (or 14 & Under) matches. A team “coach” must be courtside for all other matches. When seated at courtside, the coach must let the referee know where s/he will be. Coaches and other adult members must be at least qualified themselves in order to supervise their team designated officials. Again, failure to perform will result in a SANCTION.
We will only “certify” officials after they have proven their efficiency during an officiating assignment. This includes proper use of hand signals for scorers; and correct transitioning, signals and substitution administration for second referees (R2s).
Please let us know if you have any questions or require any assistance. Thank you!